A blog about all things rural and agritourism related

4 ways your farm can thrive post-pandemic 

COVID may or may not be over, but there is definitely a new normal to life for the time being.   As I design building for my clients, I think about their spaces differently. Not just for social distancing and germs, but more importantly, how people are making different choices now. People are choosing to work […]


VELD’s Vrijdag Verses – 8

“The character of the farm should be carried out as to express itself in everything which it contains. […] His structures of every kind should be plain, also, yet substantial, where substance is required. All these detract nothing from his respectability or his influence in the neighborhood, the town, the country, or the state. A […]


Farmhouse Design or Renovation Principles – Part I

My Dad, was born, raised, had his own kids, and will probably die in the same old red brick farmhouse. As you can imagine it needs some updating! My mother, like most farm wives has great visions of what the house should look like, but it is usually a lifelong project to update the house […]


Farm Yard Design

When the helicopter photographers come knocking at your door each year asking if you would like a photo taken of your farmstead from the air. Do you shudder at the mess and disorganization of the yard, or are you proud to see the life you have built. If your like most farmers, its a combination […]