Crazy Idea #1 -tobacco kiln B&B

25.01.13 06:20 PM - By krista
BEFORE BEFORE As many of you probably don't notice anymore smoking in bars, entrances, and other places has mostly disappeared. All you have to do is go to Europe and you appreciate the smoke free environments we enjoy in Canada. However, this industry shift took a very hard toll on Tobacco farmers in Ontario. I many places these Tobacco farmers have gotten quite ingenious with the kilns, good soils, etc and have gone into niche markets. But many farms lay with abandoned tobacco kilns sitting empty waiting for a use! Well I have got one... Wouldn't it be cool to renovate a farm with a few kilns and turn it into a B&B or hotel! Or even a campground! Image a landscape full of kilns all mini cottages with long term cottagers and your weekenders! Each kiln could probably hold a small family, with a great loft bedroom! Each kiln could have a semi private porch, skylights, views of the rural landscape. Each kiln nestled between rows of vegetables and decorative plants. Each morning you could get u at the crack of dawn to help the farmer, relax in a hammock all day, or go on a day trip exploring the rural landscape. AFTER AFTER I was told by someone that the more you share your ideas the more they come back to you. So this is part of a series called Crazy Ideas where I throw my ideas out to the universe and hope they come back to me! The series will focus on projects in rural Ontario(or anywhere) that I think (and hopefully others will too) would be cool places to add to Ontario's rural tourism, culture, and atmosphere. Feel free to add and suggest your own or contact me if you want to pursue one of my crazy ideas!
